Friday, June 17, 2005

so unexciting

Friday, June 17, 2005

just sent my application to PJC. just have to keep praying.
i checked out my lane for the 800m race. my race is the 1st heat for 800m B girls. lane 10 tag number 337. In CCK stadium.
the race is on 14th July. i'm feeling rather nervous now. i've got butterflies flying in my tummy.
less than a month to my race, i need to focus real hard now.

i am still on task, still doing my TYS, still revising, still going for trainings, still coughing, still smiling.
i don't think i'm That broken now.
but my world seem a little more quiet, a little more colourless, and a little more.. i don't know, pathetic?

i'm watching the news while typing this entry. the case about the dismembered lady. it's gruesome how the lady died. after investigation, the police found that she's a china born woman. the suspect is her supervisor, he'd be charged with muder tomorrow. it's scary how people are so desperate to get scott free after breaking the law. in this case, murder.
haha, i've mudered too. in my dreams. sometimes, i wake up in tears, and my heart just beating wildly in fear. i'm too hum ji to muder another human or an animal. except those yucky bugs like cockroaches and lizards. i HATE lizards.

recently, there's this big hoo ha about the sarongpartygirl. because she posed nude on HER blog. apparently, the news got onto the national newspaper and there were a couple of comments that i felt, pretty offending, especially the part which that man said that her parents did not provide her proper upbringing. i've read her entries and i felt that they were beautifully written. i don't think people should judge her just because she posed nude and posted it on her blog.

i don't know, we singaporeans are still quite conservative i guess.


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