Saturday, September 09, 2006


Saturday, September 09, 2006

You Are 26 Years Old
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.
What Age Do You Act?

Kwan's on a holiday, the boys are all out and my brother flew back home this afternoon. I was feeling pretty bored was surfing the net. I found myself reading entries I posted in this blog last year. I suppose last year was pretty extraordinary, it was amazing yet awful. I saw this particular entry that I posted. Last year, on the 29th of January, when I was a 15 years old teenager, I act like a 22 years old. I am rather used to people commenting on my maturity. Today, I took this quiz again, and now I am told by some unknown calculations that I act like a 26 years old. I am categorized as someone who is excited about what's to come- romance, career and experiences.

As we walk along the path of life, the shadow of our past walks along with us. I believe in fate. Fate does not set your path in life, it allows you to make choices to follow your destiny, or to avoid the obstacles in life and to create your own course of life.

As I grow older, my responsibilities multiplies. There are higher expectations to meet, more tasks to fufil and decisions to make.

So, as someone who is "excited about what's to come- romance, career and experiences", how do I see myself in three year's time?

Right now, I am blissfully in love. It sounds quite silly, but I recall that evening when he told me how he felt, I was thinking 'Could this really be happening?'. I do not intend to sound cheesy, but hey, I felt as that everything that I dreamt of and yearned for turned out to be a real. Throughout the two years of occasional runs and gymming, I was aware of my childish young lady's crush. Hmm, I would like to think of it as admiration initially. There was once my best friend then and I wrote down a list of qualities our dream guy should possess (I still have that list).
I listed the following:
-can cook
-likes Harry Potter (Lol, I was going through the Harry Potter craze then)
-plays the piano
-loves thrilling roller coaster rides
-house trained (I cannot stand guys peeing with the seat on and leaving pee stains on the seat.)
-hot (I am a sucker for guys with nice legs.)
-bakes (just because I love to bake.)
-unoppressive (I abhor possessive guys, as I hang out with guys most of the time. Possessive guys freaks me out and are absoultely insecure, and I can't deal with insecurity.)

I am sure there are more, but these are the few that I can recall.

I'm sure after some time, the days of the giddy, fluttery high that we thrive on in a relationship would eventually fade and things between both parties becomes a routine and the status would be risen to 'comfortable familiarity'. I suppose that is when you have gotten past all your desires and still see your lover someone you would want to be with, someone who's not just simply a lover, but also your best friend and someone whom you can pour your soul to.

Career? Being in uni now to me is quite a leap. It is not easy, but I hope to get past this stage soon and to secure myself a job in four years' time perhaps. Aha, can't wait to start earning some real money and get my own pad. As much as I love living with my parents, I would very much prefer to have my own apartment. I could walk around the house stark naked and no one would give a shit. I could have anyone over whenever I please.

After uni, I would like to go backpacking and do some travelling. There are loads of things I want to do before having huge commitments and responsibilities. I want to go skydiving, do some thrilling activities that would get my adrenaline rushing like mad.

And eventually, ten years down the road, return home to the one who would hold my hand, love, protect, and walk the journey of life with.

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