Monday, September 11, 2006


Monday, September 11, 2006

I think it is the changing weather. I caught a cold, have a horrible sore throat and losing my voice. Kinda reminds me of last year when I had a throat infection. Could also be the sleeplessness I am experienceing lately.

Damn it, woke up this morning at about 3.30am and could not get back to sleep at all. At about 4.45, I checked the train timetable and decided to go to the gym instead of wasting time trying to get back to sleep.

Left the house at about 5.15am. It started to pour and I picked up my pace. Sure, rain can be lovely when you are sleeping like a log in your comfy bed, but also, it can be a fat bitch when you are out unprepared for it. Hate the winter, hate the transition to spring, hate the wet weather during winter. It fucking rains all the time during winter and I cannot get the laundry done.

I can't wait till summer when I can wear just wear a cooling tee, shorts and thongs out, hit the beach and go body surfing. The heat can be a bitch, but at least it is not humid. Gee, if the humidity is like Singapore's, I would sweat like a pig. Faugh, the humidity is DEFINATELY not something I look forward to.

The Queen Mother as well as Pappy are coming over during my tuition free week. Looking forward to seeing them. Have not seen them for nearly two months. Would be lovely as they would be staying over at Burswood. Burswood is like my favourite hotel. When I was a lot younger, the whole bunch of us would play catch while our parents hit the casino. We would go to the park outside the hotel in the middle of the night and run around. I hope to stay with my parents that week at the hotel for a change. Am absolutely sick of playing Suwati over here.

It would be so lovely to hit the gym in the morning, followed by a swim and a yummy Burswood breakfast buffet. Not to mention, unlimited shopping spree with the Queen Mother. Heh.

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