Sunday, October 29, 2006

Not just a fire engine darling.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

No, my dear friend. It is not a fire rescue.

Alvin's parents were in town for his graduation dinner few days ago. We met up with them for dinner when it so happened that today was Gay Pride Day and there was a parade right outside the restaurant where we had our meal.

It reminded me of Chingay. Flamboyant and all, but instead of tacky and smelly synthetic suits, the performers (males and females) wore lacy leggings, french maid suits, PVC dominatrix costumes, loads of fur, feathers...

Dykes on bikes, I like.

There was this pole dancing performance as well.

Gay men wearing purple. Western Australia Gays and Lesbians (WAGL)

There was this huge party in a tent. Great music, love the vibe. It was totally gay.

Don't get me wrong, I am not homophobic.

PM Goh said 'Gay is Okay!'

In fact, I am more claustrophobic than homophobic. Earlier, on the way to the restaurant, we were kinda stucked in the lift. The door would not open, I was freaking scared out of my wits. Okay, the point is, I am not homophobic. I like gay people. Come on, my best friend is Conan! (kidding ;p) Alright, I like gay people, I think they have so much more fun and they are such happy people to hang out with.

I like Elton John, Lance Bass and Ellen DeGeneres! Ellen DeGeneres is one of my favourite talkshow host. She's damn freaking hilarious.

I had a really gay day. =D

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