Friday, October 27, 2006

that time of the semester again

Friday, October 27, 2006

YES!!! 26 more days to go baby!

I know, it is getting boring, but that does not stop me from whining about how much I miss Singapore and how much I WANT TO GO HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 (to emphasis my point)

Bloody hell, I have been stuck in this boring shithole with weird tasting asian food, smelly boys going gaga over 'my hunnybunny' and a dull school life. I am sick sick sick sick of chilli crabs tasting like sweet chiili instead of anything else like what I get in Singapore. I am sick sick sick sick of the stupid bitch rain that decides to pour whenever she likes and gets me drenched and wretched.

It has been more than 3 months since I have last seen kwan, conan, shuming, charline, haoquan, and the other 4 million people, and I miss them sooooo much. I miss my red polka dotted bedsheets with my ten thousand pillows, the sticky humid weather, mee siam, orchard road, the fact that you know you can go shopping the the middle of the night when you can't sleep, my aunty's wednesday's visits, bak ku teh, chicken rice's chilli sauce, walking from kwan's to my place and vice versa, watching chinese shows, seeing loads of asians, smelly chinese high boys on the bus, cold storage, topshop, not doing my laundry/making my bed/wash the dishes/clean anything cause I have got help at home.

AND it's the end of the year! and it means summer over here in perth where you get annoying houseflies swarming around and they are really, I mean REALLLLLY irritating. You don't even need to stink to attract those vile rage-inducing flies. Come on, Daryl ended up swallowing a fly earlier this year. Can you imagine?

To think about it, one year ago I was busy mugging for the O levels with my amazing friends, got back in contact with one particular sweet guy who I had a longtime crush on, who of course, one year later became someone so much more than 'just a crush'. Well, the point is, one year went by so quickly, even faster than I can blink my eyes. And I am seventeen! And I am driving, tho I suck. Can't exactly describe how I feel, but I am looking forward to hop on the plane and get my life back.

Also, end of the year means Christmas, New Year, and CHINESE NEW YEAR and people gathering around to say 'hi' and catch up. Man, I love celebrations.

But first, I have got exams like real soon, so I will go MIA for a while until I am exam free. Till then, continue missing me and loads of luck to those mugging for the O levels.
It'd be gone before you know it.


11:35 AM | comments (2)


at 1:47 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey gal !! Haha i understand ur pain ! Those houseflies are kinda retarded , even slow people like me can kill a fly there !!! Btw,hope to see u back soon !! Cinda ish coming back too . According to reliable source, vany might be back around next year's Feb ! See ya soon ^^

at 1:56 AM Blogger wanwenwanwen said...

haha. hello babe! yeah, the flies are rather retarded, i did kill one last week. gee, i am prolly returning next year's feb. can't wait to get back and see you guys. guess what, i had a dream of miss poh hugging me few nights ago. it's damn weird, but yes, it happened. see you soooon! 18 sickening days more to go!



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